1η Ετήσια Ημέρα Εκπαιδευτικών

Η 1η Ετήσια Ημέρα Έρευνας για εκπαιδευτικούς διοργανώνεται στις 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2021 (9:00-13:15), στο πλαίσιο του ερευνητικού προγράμματος RECITE-Research Circulation in Teacher Education. Στόχος του...

Current technologies and digital media in music lessons: Introduction to the Scratch programming language and the Makey-Makey interface

SUNDAY 6/12/20 (3hrs) & 20/12/2020 (2hrs) Presenter: Yannis Mygdanis (Ph.D. student in Music Education, European University Cyprus) The rapid changes in the modern digital age...

FemSTEAM Mysteries: A Role-Model Game-Based Approach to Gender Equality in STEAM

The project “FemSTEAM Mysteries” is based on the values of gender equality and non-discrimination between men and women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering,...

Living music in early childhood: between theory and practice

Music engagement from birth has a fundamental power to alter a child’s brain and to build a strong parent-child emotional bond. Active music engagement in...
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