The Center of Excellence in Research & Innovation in Social Sciences, the Arts and the Humanities

About SoScieAtH

The Centre of Excellence in Research & Innovation in Social Sciences, the Arts and the Humanities, is an interdisciplinary Research Centre at the European University Cyprus. It promotes active collaboration between researchers, theorists, academics, practitioners and the public towards achieving interdisciplinary scientific excellence and promoting social change. Adopting an approach of Responsible Research, Sustainability, and Innovation, the Centre particularly aims at enabling the public’s participation in broadening the development of today’s knowledge-based society, through the public’s engagement with the Social Sciences, the Arts and the Humanities. The Centre has a current/running research funding of more than 800,000 Euros. Currently, a total of 9 as Research Associates in the 13 running research projects of the Centre. The Centre is directed by Professor Loucas Louca.


Research Projects


Engaged Public



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📌Περιλήψεις Εργαστηρίων | 5η Ετήσια Ημέρα Έρευνας Εκπαιδευτικών

Για να δείτε αναλυτικά το πρόγραμμα της 5ης Ημέρας Έρευνας Εκπαιδευτικών, πατήστε 🔗 ΕΔΩ. ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΕΙΣ Τίτλος: Υπαίθριες Δραστηριότητες στο Νηπιαγωγείο: Σχεδιασμός και Υλοποίηση (Outdoor4mi).   ...

5η ΕΤΗΣΙΑ ΗΜΕΡΑ ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΩΝ – Σύγχρονες τάσεις και εξελίξεις καινοτομιών στην εκπαίδευση.

Ημερομηνία: Σάββατο, 8 Μαρτίου 2025 🕣 Ώρα: 8:30 – 13:00 📍Χώρος Διεξαγωγής : Ευρωπαϊκό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου Σκοπός της Ετήσιας Ημέρας Έρευνας Εκπαιδευτικού είναι η διάχυση...

WORKSHOP III – The Ptolemaic Domination in the Eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus, South Syria, Cyrenaica), end of 3rd to end of 1st century B.C.

The Research Unit ISTÓS – History, Archaeology and Art, Heritage Management European University Cyprus, in collaboration with the universities of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Gustav Eiffel,...
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