Prof. Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris

Prof. Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris is a Professor of Mathematics Education and Director of ICT Enhanced Education Laboratory. She has a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education (University of Texas at Austin), an M.Sc. in Statistics (UT Austin), an M.Sc. in Engineering (UT Austin), an M.A. in Open and Distance Learning (UK Open University), a B.A. in Mathematics (UT Austin), and Teacher’s Certification in Primary Education. She has established a respected research record through numerous scholarly publications, and the securing of considerable funding from national and international sources. Her past research activity includes the coordination of the EU-funded projects EarlyStatistics: Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Early Statistical Reasoning in European Schools (2005-2008), SMASH: Helping Parents to Help their Children Excel in Math and Science (2007-2010), The Living Book – Augmenting Reading For Life (2016-2019), and FemSTEAM Mysteries: A Role-Model Game-Based Approach to Gender Equality in STEAM (2020-2022).  EarlyStatistics won the 2009 Best Cooperative Project Award in Statistical Literacy, awarded by the International Association of Statistics Education (IASE).  The Living Book was selected by the EU to receive the 2021 European Innovative Teaching Award. in Primary Education, and FemSTEAM Mysteries to receive the 2023 European Innovative Teaching Award. in Secondary Education.

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