Dr. Tasos Anastasiades

Dr. Tasos Anastasiades is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Arts at the European University Cyprus. In 2004, he started publishing “Plastic Comics”, the first comic book series created in Cyprus. In 2014, he published the graphic novel titled “Fascista” and became a publishing partner and contributing artist at the first Cypriot comic book anthology titled “Current“. Tasos has been involved in numerous cultural events and in 2017 he was selected by the Cyprus Embassy in Romania and the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture to represent his country at the 5th European Comics Festival organized by the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC). In 2019, T-Pub comics in London published his latest graphic novel titled “The Traveller” which is a collaboration with the acclaimed writer Neil Gibson, editor and co-writer of Stan Lee’s last comic “The Lucky Man”.

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