Current technologies and digital media in music lessons: Introduction to the Scratch programming language and the Makey-Makey interface

SUNDAY 6/12/20 (3hrs) & 20/12/2020 (2hrs)

Presenter: Yannis Mygdanis (Ph.D. student in Music Education, European University Cyprus)

The rapid changes in the modern digital age transform the daily ways in which children interact with music, shaping their musical experiences and tastes. In this context, teachers should consider seriously the needs of students for music engagement through digital media. The offered workshop proposes integrating new technologies in music teaching-learning context, in formal and informal learning environments, based on the interdisciplinary STEAM model. Through specific activities, teachers will understand the visual ScratchTM programming language and the Makey-MakeyTM interface and their use in-house and distance learning process. In collaboration with their students, participants will be able to develop musical applications, which they will connect with improvised electronic instruments that they will build using cables and conductive materials. The integration of these digital tools into the music classroom can broaden the ways of music teaching and learning, leading to new forms of sound and music exploration, creation and expression, reflecting new digital and multimodal musical literacy and, more broadly, modern society.

Workshop Aim: The workshop aims to integrate new technologies in music lessons as an educational proposal based on the interdisciplinary model STEAM. The ultimate goal is the awareness of teachers with visual programming and the use of interfaces, the ways of integration in music pedagogical activities, the possibilities of new forms of sound and music exploration, expression and creativity they offer, as well as the development of educational material adapted to the needs of each music. order.

Teachers are expected to use the visual ScratchTM programming language, as well as the Makey-MakeyTM interface.


  • Familiarity with the ScratchTM visual programming language and the Makey-MakeyTM interface
  • Understand ScratchTM functions with an emphasis on audio production and processing
  • Analyze and understand the wiring of the Makey-MakeyTM interface
  • Development of music programs in the ScratchTM environment and the interface with Makey-MakeyTM
  • Manufacture of music applications and improvised electronic instruments

The workshop will focus on the current trends and methodological approaches of music pedagogy. The main orientation will be developing creativity and critical ability through experimentation (musical and technological), practical application and discovery, drawing on the tools of teamwork, interdisciplinarity, and multimodality.

For registration, please click here

Workshop Results

Ideas for projects

Projects created during the workshop

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