AAC, AT & Accessibility Awareness in Cyprus
- Assistive Technology Open Days (Oct-Nov 2020 and March-May 2021):
- Visits of public and schools to AT Lab
- Visits and activities in schools with the collaboration of students of the BSc Occupational Therapy and the MA Special and Inclusive Education
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication International Awareness Month: October 2020
- Workshops Series: Assistive Technology and AAC Hands-On Workshops for Professionals and Families (Oct-Nov 2020) (Feb-March 2021)
- International Day of People with Disabilities: December 3rd
- Webinar: Motivations and resources of available training on ICT/AT
- Based on the work of ENTELIS+ Project, presented by Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria (Dec 2020 or Jan 2020)
- Global Accessibility Awareness Day (May 21st)
- Workshops: Digital Accessibility Hands-On Workshops for Professionals and Families (March – May 2021)